'I want to say this again. You desire. If you do not want anything, there is no thought at all. You understand? Wanting is thinking, it doesn't matter what you want -- want self-realization, want God- realization -- you want anything, that means you have to use this instrument. These are not your thoughts, these are not your feelings. You may not like it. They belong to somebody else. You want to make them your own. You have unfortunately made them your own. That's why you ask all these questions. Why do you ask all these questions? These questions have been put before to so many people -- all the sages, saints and saviors of mankind, the holy men dead and alive. They are all ready to answer. They have composed a lot of lullabies. You go and listen to them and go to sleep, if you want to. That's what you are interested in. You want somebody else to pat on your back and say, "Oh, fine, just fine, you are doing very well. Do more and more of the same and you will reach the destination you want to arrive at." What is the destination you want to arrive at? To be gentle, meek, to be soft, to talk and whisper. You know if you go to some of these monasteries in the West, the Trappist, they talk and whisper. They don't even understand what the other man is saying. That's the secret to the spiritual path.'
Yes, we have created and inherited more and more spiritual spittons and there we and the generations to come are thriving on that holy shits or spirit.
Yes, we have created and inherited more and more spiritual spittoOns and there we and the generations to come are thriving on that holy shits or spirit.
Each of these words are very much convincing.
Praveen, I just came across your blog. Thanks for putting it up, really a great resource for UG seekers.
Why is UG holding the Devil tarot card in this pic - http://picasaweb.google.com/sw1010/UgKrishnamurthy#5172294323088918562 -?
Was UG a kind of Devil's tool???
Sorry, here is the right direct link for it:
UG attained Poorna Jnana, total enlightenment, this is why he was liberated as people usually wouldn't accept, because he attained a kind of liberation without similarity in this world before. Thank you very very much for this precious blog on the more precious being to have stepped on this planet!
I don't want anything but I can't sustain myself. Ug was lucky he was born into money. When this thing happened to him he found someone to shelter him. It has happened to me but I still have to work be a father and a husband. I live but there's no one here.
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